Professional Development

Professional Development

In professional development, black engineers will be given guidance and knowledge in navigating through the professional engineering workplace as a person of colour. We will host events where Queens Alumni will discuss their experience in the workplace as a black engineer and give advice based on that experience. In addition to this, we aim to highlight resources within engineering companies that aid minorities including black engineers.

All Events




Academic Support

24 FEBRUARY, 2021

Alvin, Michael, Andrea and Farhiyo are all employees at IBM, each in a different facet of the company.
They discuss their experiences and give advice about career paths, work ethic and much more.

26 NOVEMBER, 2020

Eunice Choi (QMIND), Tatiana Nazon (Bell Canada) and Nicholas Ramsubick (Sanofi) discuss EDI and its effects in the workplace.

15 SEPTEMBER, 2020


An opportunity to meet the Executive Team of the chapter over some food and casual conversation!

More Coming Soon!

Right now we are still getting our chapter up and running. In the future, this page will be filled with more information about different events, workshops and more things we have planned. For now view the calendar below to see any Academic Support Events we are running!

prof dev
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calendar link: