Story behind NSBE at Queen’s Geneviève -The dean invited me to speak at the shutdown STEM panel which Thea was also part of and through that experience back in June I had heard of NSBE chapters in other schools and I was thinking of how great it would be to have at Queen’s to […]
EDI: Robogals
This week we interviewed Robogals and found out some more about this amazing club part of Engsoc! Definitely watch the highlights video below and the full interview can also be found below! Story behind Robogals at queens Robogals started in Australia by a university student and then it took off in Australia and spread all […]
This week, we talked to WISE about their amazing initiative at Queen’s. For those who don’t know, WISE is a chapter of the National Women in Science and Engineering Organization. A lot of universities across Canada have a WISE chapter at their university, and Queen’s chapter has been around for 30 years. The full interview […]
This week we interviewed QAISES – Queen’s American Indian Science and Engineering Society. Check out our video showcasing the interview’s highlights as well as the full interview written down below! Story behind QAISES at Queen’s QAISES originated from AISES, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, which is an American nonprofit meant to bring together […]
This week for our EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) campaign, we put a spotlight on Q-WASE (Queen’s Women in Applied Science and Engineering), a new conference that aims to explore and challenge gender disparity in engineering. Thank you so much to Kathy Sheng- the marketing and events coordinator of Q-WASE for the insightful interview! Scroll […]
EDI: EngiQueers
For the first post part of our EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) campaign, we interviewed Ezra Goldberg (former EnqiQueers President) and Nicholas Ramsubick (current EngiQueers President) and learned a lot about EngiQueers at Queen’s. Scroll down to read the interview! Also, check out the video below showing the highlights from the interview! What is the […]
2017/2018 Clark Assistant Managers
Congratulations to the Clark Assistant Managers! Operations: Andrew Litt Marketing: Keshav Sharma Entertainment: James Osborne Business: Garrett Richardson
2017/2018 Golden Words Managers
Congratulations to the new Golden Words managers! Editors: Brendan Robson, Sam Goldstein Operations: Peter O’Donnell Business: Seth Davis
2017/2018 Head Managers Hired
Congratulations to the new Head Managers! Clark: Elise Hewat CEO: Chaz Sutton EngLinks: Alan Goodman Icons: Jack Williams Tea Room: Mary Hales
Position Descriptions!
Are you interested in applying for a position in the society, but unsure of what each position entails? Check out our EngSoc position descriptions here which include: The goal of the position Job Description Responsibilities Time Commitment Skills Required and Skills Gained Daily Tasks Past Projects/Accomplishments Timeline of Job People who have held the position […]